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Qwo® is the first and only FDA-approved injectable for the treatment of moderate to severe cellulite in the buttocks of adult women.1

Together, there are three things that cause cellulite’s signature dimples: over time, skin thins, fat cells enlarge and push against the skin, and the fibrous bands under the skin’s surface thicken and cause tension.


QWO is made from enzymes called collagenases. These enzymes are thought to target the structural causes under the skin, where cellulite starts. It’s thought that QWO works by releasing fibrous bands, redistributing fat cells, and stimulating the growth of new collagen. How QWO works in moderate to severe cellulite is not fully understood.

QWO Clinical Data

Endo Aesthetics conducted the largest clinical trials in the history of cellulite investigation to help determine the safety and efficacy of QWO. These two identical trials enrolled 845 women in the United States, aged 18 or older, with moderate to severe cellulite in the buttocks. Reductions in cellulite severity were observed more frequently in the QWO group compared to the placebo group as measured by the investigator and patient cellulite severity scales.1

QWO quick facts

First and only FDA approved injectable for the treatment of moderate to severe cellulite in women’s butts.